Are You A Grooving Mum? Could You Be?

Are you trying to do any of the following?

1. Put yourself first occasionally
2. Rediscover your personality and interests
3. Reinvent yourself
4. Live with sparkle

Some mums lose themselves a bit in the midst of all the business (chaos) of being a mother. This blog hop encourages them to return to old passions, try out new things and generally get their groove back. Changes can by small or big and you get to define what you want to achieve. What the first two weeks of the blog hop have demonstrated is that women are out there ready to support each other on their individual journeys.

Every week, I set some little challenges which particpants in the blog hop can join in or not as they see fit. This blog hop is not about harsh rules, it is about peer support. Are you a Mum? Do you want to change aspects of your life? Grooving Mums can help.

So what do you do to take part? Write a blog post about getting your groove back and link up. Simples! However, what we really encourage you to do too is to visit the other blogs on the linky and offer your support to them. Whilst doing so, you just might pick up some very good ideas too. If you have any questions or concerns, you can email me on

So how has my groove being going this week?

1. I stuck to my healthy eating plan although I did give in to a glass or three of wine.

2. I went out in dresses twice this week. I know that does not sound particularly earth-shattering but for a woman who lives in trousers and baggy T-shirts, it is a major move. One of the dresses was a pin-striped office type affair. The other was pure white and I felt like Vanessa from Eastenders (minus the nice figure and the blonde hair). I very nearly rethought the white dress but then I thought how wonderful it would be to report on it to you lovely mums and I think I carried it off with aplomb.

3. I finalised my start date for volunteering in the local charity shop. I also liaised with school about pursuing volunteering there too.

4. I did my first sessions ever on the Wii Fit and went for a long country walk yesterday.

5. I did the breakfast challenge from last week enjoying scrambled eggs on toast with tomato ketchup.

6. I am considering attending an very exciting event. I imagine I will bottle it but the fact that I have not totally ruled it out immediately is progress.

As you can see, my steps are small ones but are heading in the right direction to becoming more of who I am.

How did your week go? I can’t wait to hear or if you are new to find out what you have planned for yourself. It can be anything at all. Writing up a CV, looking into courses, volunteering, trying out a new style, doing exercise, taking time out to do something you love. You decide.

Here are some challenges that you might want to try. A reminder – you don’t have to do these, they are just there as ideas you might like to try.

1. Life is Pants – Well it is when you haven’t renewed your underwear for weeks, months, years. This week, how about going and getting measured so you know your correct bra size. Alternatively, go and buy yourself some knickers. Not the big Bridget Jones ones, not the skimpy things he would prefer but something you love the look of. Then take a picture of the knickers or bra or whatever you get and share it with us next week. You don’t have to be in the bra or knickers when you take the picture. Some of us have to crawl before we can walk.

2. Do It – There is a volunteering website called Do It. I am not asking you to volunteer although I can highly recommend it. What I am asking you to do is to investigate the site and find out what sort of opportunities appeal to you. That might tell you things about yourself and suggest future directions in terms of hobbies, jobs or study.

Ready, steady, go!

Write up your blog post and link up here.

Promote your blog post and those of others on Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites with the hashtag #groovingmums

Visit the other blogs taking part and leave a supportive comment.

Remember that I am on the early stages of getting my groove back too and let me know how you think I am getting on.

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9 thoughts on “Are You A Grooving Mum? Could You Be?

  1. Hi Kate, volunteering used to be a big thing for me, so will check out that website. Link will probably be later in the week, bit short of time at the beginning of the week, unfortunately! Love the underwear idea, we all feel better for a bit of something special next to our skins, don’t we! PS – never did buy the grown up bag, but have just bought a very grown up hat! Will send a picture when I can get one taken / uploaded. More later! Polly x

  2. That’s great about the exciting event… I do hope you pluck up the courage to go and tell us all about it. I know what you mean about making the effort to wear a dress. I’ve been trying to make more of an effort with my clothes…it’s been all too easy for me to fling on jeans & a baggy jumper. I bought some new underwear the other week – just boring black practical pants but 2 sizes smaller! I do need some more so I will make that a task for the week. I’ll also have a look at the volunteering site. Good luck for this week.

  3. Pingback: National Novel Writing Month « Curly Mum

  4. Pingback: Inspirational People – The Gallery « Kate on Thin Ice

  5. Fab progress, Kate! I bet you looked gorgeous in your dresses and that’s great about the volunteering. I’ve been thinking I’d like to volunteer at a place across the road for me which organises help and other things for the elderly, but I haven’t worked up the courage to go and ask about it just yet.

    I’ll be linking up later today 🙂

  6. Hi Kate, two dresses in one week..Wow! I love the thought of you wearing the white one, and I’m very glad you felt good in it too. Good on you for getting on the Wii fit too. Maybe some house Olympics at Christmas? You can show the kids what their mum is made of!
    Love the prompt on the pants. I find that there is something about motherhood which does make one not so bothered about nice pants, but actually, it is rather nice to say knickers to that – so I think a trip to the M&S lingerie dept may be in order this week!

  7. Pingback: The Ups and the Downs « Curly Mum

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