You Really Can Rediscover The Woman You Know You Really Are

What are you dealing with today? How much is about other people and what amount of time are you setting aside for you as an individual woman with a life of her own? Grooving Mums started 4 weeks ago and is a weekly blog hop where bloggers who happen to be mums too write about their experiences changing their lives for the better and link up.

Change your life how exactly? Here are some of the ideas the particpants so far have come up with but remember the whole idea is that YOU get to decide what works best for YOU.

* You could start an exercise regime
* You could start wearing a fancy hat
* You could return to an old hobby or interest
* You could start listening to your favourite music again
* You could take up volunteering for a good cause
* You could start a new make-up routine or wear a dress
* You could look for a job or start a business
* You could join a social group
* You could have a pampering session

All that I ask is that you do something for you where you put yourself first. Each week, I set some prompts or challenges but these are purely there as ideas and you do not have to do them. This is your journey so do it your way.

You don’t have to link up every week and I will not be there with a big stick imposing silly rules.

How have I worked towards Getting My Groove Back this week.

1. I have continued my healthy eating campaign and lost over 2 pounds this week. That is 12 pounds in one month so it just shows it can be done. Here’s how I am doing it I have lots more weight to shift (stones and stones) but I am going to do it, you can be sure of that.

2. I have continued with doing more exercise. I have walked a lot and enjoyed fresh air and country views.

3. I got a new Labrador dog. She is cream coloured and very overweight so she needs the exercise as much as I do. She is lovely and I do like to have pets around my home.

4. I enquired about Zumba classes. I still feel I am too large to cope with these at the moment but even enquiring is a tiny move in the right direction.

5. I got my Criminal Records Bureau forms and Identity documents into school so hope to start contributing there soon on a voluntary basis.

6. I am looking into the possibility of becoming a school governor.

7. I wore a little black dress and went to have a family photograph taken last night. I was told to act like a mermaid. That would be one very obese mermaid but the truth is that last year, I would not have had the confidence to go along to have my photograph taken so again, this is a move in the right direction.

8. I was invited to the launch of Emma Forbe’s new book Life and Soul at the Ivy (yes, The Ivy!!!) and I said yes at first and then realised it clashed with Parents’ Evening at school so had to cancel. Whether I would have gone in the end, I do not really know but last year, I would not have even considered it so again a little step forwards perhaps.

9. I have agreed to speak at Britmums Live and it feels odd but lovely to see my name in lights up on the website. So I am obese and have struggled to make my way back from post-natal depression but if I do it, it might encourage others to get their va-va voom back too. Plus it gives me 9 months to get a whole lot less obese too and gives me an excuse to buy a new frock.

10. This is a very important one. I proactively contacted the Joanne Bingley Memorial Foundation about helping out in some way. For those who do not know, Joanne Bingley died as a result of post-natal depression. Her husband is trying to do something positive in her name so please do check out the website. Now please actually DO THIS and click on the link because it is a great cause and I really want to feel I am pointing people towards this. If people don’t click, it just makes me feel a bit disheartened to be honest.
They have an important petition which I will blog about probably later today so please do check back and sign that. Also you can follow them on Twitter.

Suggested Challenges For This Week …

1. Talk to someone you have never spoken to before. This might be at the nursery or school gates, on the street or somewhere else entirely. Smile and see what happens and then report back next week.

2. Visit your local library and look around at posters and leaflets. See if something on offer excites you and points you in a new direction. If not, borrow a book that you would not normally read and try a whole new genre.

I look forward to hearing about what you are doing. Just blog sometime this week but don’t leave it till the last minute or it won’t happen (lol and not pointing fingers at anyoen in particular). It can be a short post or a long one and in words or pictures or a combination of the two. Link up here and I will promote on Twitter and so on.

If you have the time (and you do really now you are getting back to living life your way), visit the other entries and leave a supportive comment. It is worth it to pinch other people’s wonderful ideas too. Don’t forget that I need help too as compared with some ladies, I am very much at the start of my grooving journey so leave a comment here too pretty please. It helps keep me on track.

Please promote your own post and the ones on the linky via Twitter, Facebook and other social networks using the hashtag #groovingmums.

It is as simple as that and if you have any questions or concerns, leave a comment here or email me on

Have a fabulous week.

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12 thoughts on “You Really Can Rediscover The Woman You Know You Really Are

  1. Wow – you’ve done loads. What an achievement. Wow and you’re going to be speaking at BritMums Live! I did quite a few presentations to large numbers pre-children but not sure I’d have the confidence now. I think going back to work will improve things too as I’ll have no option but to get on with it. I have done your challenges from last week (including posting a photo of new underwear!!). I really do feel like I’m getting my groove back – thank you. I’m going to check out your link for Joanne Bingley Memorial Foundation now.

  2. Wow you’ve had a really busy week. I’m going out tonight and tomorrow night to meet total strangers so I guess that meets the first challenge and I do have a planned visit to the library tomorrow to meet with a women re yoga classes. I’ll link it up tomorrow

  3. I have to admit I am extremely impressed with your progress! I have renewed vigour (if that’s how it’s spelt, I can’t be bothered to spellcheck… you know what I’m trying to say!) And I have absolutey no idea who you could possibly be talking about with the late link… no idea at all! Off to write my post now! Wooo!

  4. Well done on all the positive steps you are taking!! I just wanted to recommend that if you are looking at doing some Zumba – both the wii and Xbox versions are suppose to be really good. I’m running a little weight lose group over the Internet for continued support and encouragement and a few of ladies do Zumba this way and really enjoy it. Good luck with it, it’s a slow process but a great final achievement.

  5. Wow! You’ve done so much this week!

    I like the sound of the little black dress – it’s amazing what it can do for morale, isn’t it?

    Were you able to not giggle whilst pretending to be a mermaid?

    Will check out the Joanne Bingley link – such a sad sad story.

  6. You’re making such fabulous progress, Kate! I love reading about what you’ve done each week – very inspiring you are! For my OH too – he’s trying to lose weight but finding it hard to stick to it, but when I told him about the progress you’ve managed with weightloss in such a short time, he was hopeful again 🙂

    Good for you speaking at BritMums Live! I would never be able to do that – speaking in public is something that just turns me into a bag of nerves. Best of luck with that, I am sure you’ll be fabulous! 😀

  7. Hi Kate. Sounds like you have had a fab week. Well done on the weight loss and the exercise. I am sure it must feel hard-going at times, but you are doing so well, and a new dog to drag you around will help even more!

    Good for you for getting dressed up for the family photo and having your picture taken. It is difficult if you are struggling with your self-image, and it’s a great step in the right direction that you were willing to do it. But most of all, I wanted to say congratulations and well done for speaking at Brit Mum’s live. It is a great compliment that they asked you, and it also takes confidence to accept. And you’re right… a goal to aim for in 9 months time. Which is bags of time.

    On a personal note, I also think you’ve written some great posts this week too. Wednesday Wordsmith is a great idea. If I can find the time, I’d love to participate.

  8. Pingback: Reasons To Be Cheerful « Kate on Thin Ice

  9. Pingback: What Are You Grateful For? What Am I? « Kate on Thin Ice

  10. Pingback: No Time | mrsshortiesmind

  11. Pingback: Bad For The Bank, Good For The Soul « Curly Mum

  12. You put us all to shame with the amount you have done! Well done.

    Hope you are enjoying your new dog. We recently got a 16 month old black lab and he is gorgeous and is the one thing that is making me go for regular runs, or very fast paced walks as he has never been walked on a lead and you can tell!

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