The A-Z Of Me

Just when I am about to launch a whole new blog hop, along comes @Glasgow_Mummy on Twitter asking me to blog about the -A-Z of me.

ANORAK…Do you have a sad side?
I don’t think so really. If anything, I tend to be a chaotic creature enjoying clutter and spontaneity. I have an aversion to anal people including those close to me.

BODY…What physical attribute would you most like to change?
Once upon a time, I would have said that I would prefer straight hair to my wild curls. However, now it would most definitely be my flabby and disgusting tummy. I know that I should celebrate that the stretchmarks show I have 3 healthy children but I can’t quite do that spin on it in my own head. I also think that although I am losing weight successfully (wow, it feels good to write that), the tummy will remain flabby and probably look even worse when the weight goes. Yuck!

CELEBRITY…Which one would you most like to date and why?
In the past, celebrity crushes have included Les McKeown from the Bay City Rollers, Michael Hutchence from INXS, Nick Berry, Jude Law and Robbie Williams. Sadly, I don’t think I have the real interest in dating any celebrity these days. What I would like is to have a proper longish date with my own husband or better still a weekend in a country house hotel.

DEBUT …Tell us about your first ever blog post. What made you start blogging?
I started a blog a long time ago when I had two children under the age of two at home and was really struggling. It was a day where they were creating so much mess and havoc (Or I was by not parenting properly) and I just wanted to be more than a mum. I was depressed and did not stick with it. My second blog came about when my late Mum told me to keep a diary. I did the modern version by blogging and I seem to remember I talked about the various labels that applied to me.

ERROR …What’s been your biggest regret?
My biggest regret is the one thing I don’t share with anyone except my husband. The one I can reveal that I hate the way that I have not succeeded in life career-wise. Yes, I have done jobs and done them well too but I hoped to see my name in lights and it never really happened. Does that mean I am shallow? Very probably. Oh and I also regret not following my heart a long time ago.

FUNNY – who’s making you laugh? My son makes me laugh a lot.
Peter Kay makes me laugh if we are talking about comedians. Laughter is also one of the best components about my relationship with my husband. My Dad makes me laugh most days. Most of all, my youngest son is hilarious with his funny faces and ability to wind up his siblings no end. My oldest son wants to be a comedian (or historian or games designer or lego designer or mechanic). His joke last night was “Why was the Egyptian prince confused?” The answer was “Because his Daddy was a Mummy”.

GRAND…If we gave you one right now what would you spend it on?
A holiday. We need one after a stressful Summer.

HOLIDAY… What’s your favourite destination?
I would like to go to Ireland again especially as this time I could hook up with my birth sister for the first time in our lives. I have always fancied taking time out and driving across America or something like that.

IRRITATE… What’s your most annoying habit?
I think the thing people mention most is how I analyze everything. Why wouldn’t you?
My husband finds my chaotic and spontaneous ways irritating sometimes although he would have a very boring life without them. I think lots of my loved ones hate the way I put myself down.

JOKER…Whats your favourite joke {the one that makes you laugh everytime you hear it}?
I am not really into jokes and am far more interested in funny anecdotes. Like the time my son was offended when my Mum said he was an athelete when he was playing tennis. It was a new word to him and he rounded on her saying “I am no athelete. I am a Catholic”.

KENNEL… Do you have any pets?
I two labradors, a chocolate one and then the cream one that arrived at the weekend. I have 2 cats and I did have an hamster until the weekend due to an unfortunate incident.

LOVE…Are you single, married, engaged, living with a long term partner?
I married 3 years ago having done the children bit first.

MEAL… Whats your ultimate starter, main and dessert?
Old-fashioned Seventies style prawn cocktail followed by lamb shank and Banoffee Pie is just one example.

NOW…If you could be anywhere right now where would you be and who with?
I find this difficult to answer. I could enjoy being alone with my husband just about anywhere especially if work was not on his mind. I could also really enjoy being anywhere with old friends. So perhaps I will go for a large suite at the Ritz for me and my husband with me taking a break to enjoy afternoon tea there with Hayley, Louise, Rachel, Jovana, Paula, Alan, Chris, Heike, Mark, Joe, Glenys and more.

OFF DUTY…What do you do in your spare time?
Blog, write, read, listen to music, watch telly, walk the dogs, travel, bargain-hunt, cook, dream.

PROUD MOMENTS …What are you most proud of?
Getting into Trinity Hall, Cambridge University from a working-class background. Winning a Cosmopolitan Woman of Achievement Award many moons ago. Having 3 children who despite my parenting do very well in the world and are marvellous sensitive and caring souls.

QUEASY …What turns your stomach?
I have a strong stomach. Strong emotion tends to make me vomit sometimes.

RELAX…How do you relax?
I love a long and hot bath with bubbles. I like to listen to music especially from the Eighties reliving my lost and not mispent enough youth. I enjoy going out in the car and visiting the coast and countryside. I like to potter around in charity shops too.

SONG…Whats your favourite song of all time?
I can’t pick one easily. Angels was important as it was our wedding song and the one that was in the charts as we got together all those years ago. I like all songs by Queen and Freddie Mercury. I love the Pet Shop Boys and get inspired by songs like “It’s a Sin” and “Left To My Own Devices.” Also absolutely adore “Something Inside So Strong”. “I Will Survive” is always good in a crisis as is “I Can See Clearly Now the Rain Has Gone” “Leaving on A Jet Plane” and many more.

TIME …If you could go back in time and relive it again, when would you choose?

UNKNOWN…Tell us something about yourself that no one else knows?
I will be a best-selling author

VOCAL…. Who is your favourite artist?
Freddie Mercury
Others would include Robbie Williams, Annie Lennox, Alison Moyet and so many more

WORK….. What is your dream job, and are you doing it now?
I love blogging and writing but I would like it to pay the rent.
I could also enjoy having a florist shop as everyone who came in would have a story to tell. I would also like to run a cafe with a great woman friend like in the film “Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe” where all manner of characters would be welcome. Any great women want to volunteer to run it with me?

XRAY…Any broken bones?
No to bones, yes to heart twice.

YIKES…What’s been your most embarrassing moment?
Going to stay with a friend’s family when he was not there. I went to the loo and it collapsed under me. Water everywhere!

ZOO…. If you were an animal, which one would you be?
A cheeky monkey, what else?

Here at the 5 bloggers I am tagging and asking to do this meme.

2 thoughts on “The A-Z Of Me

  1. A great A-Z post. Thanks for doing it – I know you’re busy. Keep up with the healthy eating. My personal trainer has me doing ab exercises 5 days a week (although I probably do them once or twice) so that tummy is a bit toned. Pilates is helping with my core stability too. I asked my mum when I was little if she’d ever broken any bones and she said no, just her heart. Your comment reminded me of that moment.

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