Will You Let Us Rock You?

Here is my weekly post where I encourage you to sparkle as a woman in your own right as the festive season approaches at breakneck speed. Yes, we are talking the Grooving Mums blog hop which encourages women to consider themselves a bit more, to move forward with goals large and small and to get that va-va voom back in an way which makes sense to you as the individual you are. The women who take part so far are a diverse bunch and newbies are always very welcome.

So how is my journey a la Groove going.

1. I am going out tonight as a couple with Him Indoors and sans enfants. Wonders never bloody cease. I am so looking forward to my night at the theatre seeing “We Will Rock You”. I love anything Queen related so this should be right up my street. We get out as a couple about twice a year so I am going to make the most of it.

2. I had a troublesome week mainly due to the tyranny of the weighing scales. However, I bought some new clothes in size 16 thinking there was no way on earth they would fit yet and, guess what, they doodle doodle do! I gave myself a break off my healthy eating regime too. Sometimes you just need to ease up on yourself for a little while. Back on track from tomorrow after my little night of fun I promise.

3. Heartened by my surprise success sixteen wise, I rushed off to town and bought myself some hair dye in a rather fetching shade of red. So tonight, Grooving Mums, I will be a red head complete with a new outfit. I promised a picture and you will have it but I am taking it when I am all ready to go tonight.

4. I am considering doing a Adult Education course in January. Receiving a prospectus via email really cheered me up so looking forward to taking a look at what is on offer.

OK, how Grooving Mums works is that YOU write a blog post about how you are changing your life for the better in tiny ways (or big ones if you are). If you are struggling that is OK too as we all do sometimes and you don’t need to post every week but it is fine to post about the struggles too. Then you email the link to me at mums-the-word@live.com and I will promote it on Twitter and on this blog hopefully leading to new readers for your blog and new cyberfriends too.

Every week I mention little challenges that you might want to have a go at. You do not have to do any of the challenges to take part, they are just ideas. Here are the prompts for this week …

1. Winter Warmth – how can you treat yourself to something that keeps you warm in this wintry weather. A new hat, scarf or pair of gloves? A pampering session involving heat? A hot chocolate every night for a week? Whatever warmth means to you.

2. Money – is it time you thought about your finances? This will mean different things to different people. Do you have debts to sort out? Do you need advice on benefits? Is it worth joining an credit union as a way to build up savings and with access to credit? Is it time you set a budget for Christmas and stuck to it? It is absolutely up to you how you interpret this one.

3. Art – How much do you know about art? Would you like to share a favourite painting with us and tell us why it appeals to you? Do you create things yourself that you would like to promote? Would you like to learn more about art and how might you do that?

4. Blogging Fun – How about taking part in Magpie Monday where bloggers celebrate bargain pre-owned finds whether located in charity shops, car boot sales, Christmas fairs, Ebay or whatever? You will find details with the lovely Liz over on the Me and My Shadow blog.

If you on Twitter, please use hashtag #gm or #groovingmums when chatting about this blog hop.

Are you under pressure? Do we share one vision? We will rock you and whatever happens, even when we are going slightly mad, the show must go on!

11 thoughts on “Will You Let Us Rock You?

  1. Excellent challenges! Very much looking forward to this one (sods law I’ll pop when writing it!).

    Very glad to hear you are a sultry 16 & joining team red-heads to boot! I can tell you that red-heads most certainly have the most fun! Have a wonderful evening with your Huz at We Will Rock You. Very jealous!

    & yes, you are a champion!!

  2. Lovely! Good on you for promoting self esteem amongst all the Mums out there! Also, I love anything that involves being ‘sparkly’! I will have a little ‘jot’ in my blog tonight for Grooving Mums!
    And you should definitely sign up for your course in January!

  3. Ohh enjoy your theatre night, is that through in Leeds, some friends of mine are going to see it on Saturday. Have a fab night x

  4. Pingback: Looking Like A Rock Star! | A Kingdom of Kisses

  5. kate, I’m getting really excited about the weight loss, it was only 3 weeks ago that you were worried you wouldn’t fit into a size 16 at any point in the near future. I hope you enjoyed Queen.

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