Grooving Mums

Grooving Mums is a blog hop that helps mums to make time for themselves and perhaps to embark on a little or big journey of rediscovery and reinvention.

Every week, I present some challenges which are optional but might give folks a push in an interesting direction.

It is Advent now so presumably we can ignore Christmas no longer. Shall I come up with some festive challenges?

1. Get some catalogues and look online and in the shops to identify something for your body that you would like for Christmas. Then tell us all about it.

2. Can you do the same for your mind? Perhaps a book or film on a topic that you would like to explore further. Again, please share your ideas with us.

3. Light a candle. If you are up for meditation, try that. If not just enjoy the sight of it or buy one of those lovely scented ones to lift the spirits.

4. Make a change to your blog. Add an image or a badge (The Grooving Mums one is very lovely, hint). Add a disclosure policy if you are interested in reviewing product samples. Give some real thought to what you want your blog to do for you in the New Year.

How is my journey to groove-dom going?

I spent the vast majority of last week either ill or playing nurse to everyone else in the family so progress was limited.

My weight loss seems to have hit a plateau although inch loss is still going on which has to be a good thing.

I am going out tonight to see my little girl in her choir concert at Sheffield Arena.

Sadly, due to various events, I am feeling very undervalued by some of those closest to me. Badly enough for me to almost ask someone to take over the Grooving Mums thing altogether for me but no, I will not let it go. It was my idea, it has merit and it is helping people. I may not be “grooving” enough for one person but maybe that says far more about them than me. I would like some support in the situation but I am not going to set myself up for ridicule/pity here.

It would be so easy now for me to self-sabotage all my healthy eating and lifestyle efforts but I will not do it. I am worth more than that and the reason I know that is because of the lovely comments readers leave on here.

Here’s to Grooving Mums and how it helps us on the most challenging of weeks.

Have a good week and maybe deliver a virtual Secret Santa gift to another grooving mum.

7 thoughts on “Grooving Mums

  1. Virtual gift on its way to you via email as I couldn’t work out how to leave it here. Also feel that it won’t wait until hubby gets home to sort it out for me. Love your posts, sorry you are feeling a bit down at the moment. As you say, we all do this grooving thing at our own level and if you are happy with how grooving you are, doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. Polly x

  2. Hey,

    Sorry to hear you’re feeling undervalued. It’s an awful feeling, but particularly as you’re caring for so many people (of different ages and needs) at once.

    Try and stay strong and know that you value yourself, even if you feel that those around you don’t at the moment.

    Right, challenges duly accepted – I like the thought of No. 2 – my frazzled brain could do with a bit of a boost!

    Good luck this week x

  3. Sorry to hear you are feeling a bit down. Grooving Mum’s is great, so do keep on with it. It’s inspired me and lots of others.
    I hope you start to feel a bit better as the week picks up. x

  4. Do you know what, you are a fabulous woman, Kate, and this post has really inspired me. Your strength and determination is just brilliant, and contagious. I had been feeling pretty unsure of myself but reading that I feel a lot more on top of my emotions. Still trying to catch up with all the #groovingmums, but I’m so looking forward to getting involved again this week!

  5. Kate, you are an inspiration to us all – I definitely value reading your posts even though I rarely write any of my own! I did my jewellery class again yesterday and am really enjoying it, so much so that I have a long long list of stuff I would like for Xmas & Birthday 😉 #3 does having an open fire with a couple of glasses of mulled wine count? It certainly made me feel very Christmassy and mellow last night!

    Keep on with your healthy eating, you’re doing so brilliantly (and putting me to shame!). xx

  6. I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling undervalued. I very much value the time and effort that you put into #groovingmums and feel it’s been a great benefit to me. I’ve been a bit rubbish at keeping in touch with everyone this last week or so but will do my best to get on top of things again. Have just posted for this week. Good luck for the week ahead.

  7. Hey, I’m sad to hear you aren’t feeling so great recently. I guess it’s part of life. I think you’re right to keep going with Grooving Mums – you have been a wonderous support not only to me recently, but I’m sure to all the other Grooving Mums & I think I speak for us all when I say we are here to offer you some support in return in any way you need it. You’re a wonderful & inspiring lady, Kate. Don’t forget that & don’t let the gits of this world bring you down. I hope your little girl enjoys her big day too!

What Do You Think and Feel? Comments Make My Day!