What a difference a year makes and still grooving

In the last year, things have changed for me or rather I have changed things.

I have far more self-belief.

I have said yes to new opportunities and lived to tell the tale.

I lost weight although may have put some on recently.  That battle is for another day.

This is the last Groovy Mums post I will write in this house.

If you don’t know about Groovy Mums and whether it might be for you, check this out https://kateonthinice.wordpress.com/how-to-be-a-groovy-mum/

A new town awaits and with it some new adventures and friends I hope.

This house was acquired so that my lovely Dad could live with us.  When we moved in, he said he intended to end his days here and in reality, he has just about achieved that mission after 2 glorious years of 3 generation living.

People keep saying I am being strong.  I am doing OK but that does not mean I am not heartbroken or that I won’t miss Dad forever.  It does not mean that I am not filled with anger sometimes and guilt at other periods.  It does not mean I am superhuman and don’t take it out on my husband and children sometimes.

I was scared enough of losing Dad to another house never mind altogether.

Dad told me one morning not that long ago that life changes and we just have to deal with it.  It seems such a simple thing to say but when you think about it has lots of wisdom in it.

Over the weekend, someone contacted me and said they would like to join in Groovy Mums.  I was delighted and she is going to let me have a guest post soon.  It made me realise that the need for Groovy Mums is still alive and well even if some folks move on from it, there will always be new mums looking to rediscover their va-va voom, to reinvent themselves or to just try to make little steps towards a more positive future.

As for me, I am still grooving in a quieter way for now but that will change as the leaves change colour on the trees.

I will not give up on myself, not again.

If you are taking steps to change your life for the better in whatever way, please blog about it and link up below.

8 thoughts on “What a difference a year makes and still grooving

  1. Exactly right – always a need for it. There will always be people out there needing the support, even if the original members don’t sign up quite as often as they used to. Looking forward to the next set of changes.

  2. I agree, there will always be a need for Groovy Mums. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling ok, despite everything else going on.

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