Are You Ready For A Challenge? – Grooving Mums

Doesn’t Tuesday fly around fast for some reason?

Have I written my page explaining what #groovingmums is all about? Nope but I will do it today rather than go on about it all here. Suffice to say, if you are a ready for a challenge, grooving mums are ready to welcome you. Here are some of them

How am I getting my groove back? My individual journey will be different from yours but here goes.

1. I continue to eat healthily the vast majority of the time. Yesterday, I got on the scales and appeared to have put on 4 pounds which was so very disappointing. On moving the scales to my bedroom, I lost 6 stones. Never knew that was all I needed to do to reach my target weight. So I cannot tell you what my weight is as there is clearly something wrong with the scales. Part of getting my groove back is being determined to buy new scales this week with a guarantee too. In other words, thinking I am worth that investment. Here is more on weight loss

2. I got over my trauma of even attempting to put on a size 16 top and it fits comfortably. It is many years since this happened so it shows that I must be doing something right.

3. I used a pretty lame excuse to not attend my first session of volunteering at the charity shop. My Dad chose that day of all days to not get up till late so I had no transport as I don’t drive. I could have woken him up but it is a balancing act now as when he gets things wrong or forgets them, he finds itt very distressing so I kept quiet and missed the volunteering. On the more positive front, I did fill my Criminal Record Bureau form in and return it for volunteering in school purposes.

4. I did look into a business opportunity. It was not for me but not because I bottled it. I just decided I would probably prefer to do my own thing rather than take on somebody else’s creation. I am counting this in getting my groove back because I seem to be actually visualizing myself as a successful businesswoman which is the first step to becoming one. Any potential partners out there I wonder?

If you want to see how other women are getting on in making time for themselves and moving forwards positively one step at a time, check out my post from yesterday or keep up with us on Twitter where we use hashtag #groovingmums. You are more than welcome to join us by just writing a relevant blog post and sending the link to

Here are this week’s suggested challenges.

1. Set your own challenge, something that is meaningful to you. Or even better, include a challenge in your blog post that all grooving mums might want to have a go at.

2. Investigate poetry and share a favourite with us whether poetry is something you indulge in often, sometimes or never.

3. Dance whether at an event, in the privacy of your own home or out on a walk with the children.

4. Take part in the Listography blog hop over at Kate Takes 5 here sharing the random thing you like. It will help us all get to know each other that little bit better. Plus I am wondering why nobody commented on my random things lol.

Tomorrow, I am going to post about all our challenges so far as it is 2 months since we started this thing and it might be good fun to revisit some of them.

One, two, three, time to groove, time to blog, time to celebrate how you are changing.

6 thoughts on “Are You Ready For A Challenge? – Grooving Mums

  1. I think you deserve a huge pat on the back for not waking up your dad and not letting the situation throw you. That was such a kind thing to do and as mums we are very good at that with our children so it’s lovely that your dad was on the receiving end of it too. Regarding not commenting on your 5 things, I hadn’t seen the post but I’m just off to do it now. If you tweet me I will always see it (don’t always see ones I’m not mentioned in) and I will always go and have a look. I’m so nosy, I love to find out about other people and their lives.

  2. I’m loving these challenges, I think I did my share of dancing last night though at the RHCP gig – I was the most enthusiastic member of the audience, the lazy gits! – so one down, 3 to go! I hope you manage to get reliable scales – nothing worse than ones that tell fibs, but I bet it’s put your mind a bit more at ease knowing they’re dodgy. Very pleased to hear you are a sexy size 16 now & feel comfortable with it! Such a great acheivement. Keep up the brilliant work!

  3. Pingback: I’m trying to be a Grooving Mum! | mrsshortiesmind

  4. Another great week for you, like Polly said it was very good of you not to wake your dad, there will be plenty more weeks for you to volunteer. Well done for getting into a 16, you deserve to be really proud of yourself.

    I have actually managed to blog this week, and completed some of the challenges.

    I am looking forward to seeing how things are going for you next week.

  5. Hi there. I hope you don’t mind me asking… Did you have the scales (where you weighed heavier?) on carpet? It is most bizarre, but I think sometimes, the carpet underneath can affect the scales. I have experienced this first hand. Maybe try again with scales on tiles and see if it makes a difference. (If not, buy new scales. You are worth it.) Or, stuff it, see which room is the ‘lightest’ weighing room in the house – and always weigh in that one! Well done on the size 16 top. That must have felt so good.

    I’ve just read your dark day post too. Sorry to hear today has not been the best. Keep on keeping on Kate, you’re doing so well. You’re inspiring all us Grooving Mums. I am sending you some virtual sunshine right now…stand against a radiator and bask in it’s warmth! x

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