Fancy A Challenge?

Do you feel like shaking things up a bit? Here are some challenges that might help you to try new things, think in different ways or just have a sense of personal revival.

I write them as prompts for the Groovy Mums but I am getting feedback that they are helpful to my other readers. That is fabulous news and any mum is welcome to link up when the mood takes them. The link is in the post from earlier today where I tell you all about my exciting giveaway of a £50 voucher from Experience Days.

1. Body – How are you sleeping? Do you qualify as sleep-deprived? Are you a mum to a baby who just isn’t sleeping through yet? What toll is that taking? Do you have older children creeping into bed with you? What does your bed look like? Is it comfortable and supportive enough? Could you give your bed a makeover in some way perhaps with scented pillows or a colourful bedspread? Could you have a nap at some point in the day? How can you ensure you get better quality sleep?

2. Mind – Our children have reward charts and get stickers when they do well? Could you play with this idea and create your own chart or adapt a child’s one? What are those things that you know you should do but don’t seem to get around to? How can you motivate yourself? In my continuous attempt to get mums to say good things about themselves, why not tell me what you deserve a reward for?

3. Spirit – Is the spirit willing? You can respond to this one in whatever way you see fit.

4. Blog – Have you attended a blogger event? Have you met any bloggers in the flesh? Would you like to do? Why is that? I am speaking at Britmums Live so I hope some of my lovely Groovy Mums will be there to hold my hand.

5. It is the creator of Winnie the Pooh’s birthday this week. So, as a bit of fun, why not work out which Winnie the Pooh character you are most like and why? It might help you to discover what is great about you and also the things that you could usefully change.

6. The Big Question – How is your sex life? Oh, I know we are not supposed to talk about religion, sex and politics but you know me, I like breaking the rules. So how are things in the bedroom (or your venue of choice)? Has sex become a chore? Do you find it difficult to make time for sex? Are you too exhausted for sex? Have you managed to spice up your love-life? Be brave and reveal all on your blog or just do some quite reflecting on this issue.

Well, that should be enough to be getting on with one week.

Tune in tomorrow when I will let you know the ways I am getting my groove back.

Now get blogging about how you are proactively changing your life or responding to challenges and link up here

Everyone who links up this week will enter a prize draw for a £50 Experience Days voucher.

If you want to be clear on what Groovy Mums is and how YOU can get involved read this

4 thoughts on “Fancy A Challenge?

  1. Pingback: How I Am Getting My Groove Back (Or Trying To Anyway) | Kate on Thin Ice And Groovy Mums

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