What Are Your Highs and Lows From 2011?

Here is something to mark the end of 2011.

If you would like to take part, look back at 2011 and answer the following questions in a blog post. Then tag some other bloggers (as few or as many as you like) who you would like to take part. Leave me a comment when you have joined in so I can check out your post. Simples.

1. What was your happiest event?

Going to see “We Will Rock You” at Leeds Grand Theatre with Him Indoors, a birthday treat from my lovely Dad.

2. What was the saddest thing to happen?

Hearing about my stepdaughter and the loss of her longed-for baby to miscarriage.

3. What was the most unlikely thing to happen that actually went ahead and did?

Being invited to speak at Britmums Live.

4. Who let you down?

All the adult males close to me in different ways. One with evil intent and two with thoughtlessness. Two get a second chance, one does not do so.

5. Who supported you?

Two friends from school, all 3 of my stepdaughters but one in particular, lots of bloggers who hopefully know who they are. The ones who comment, the ones who pick me up when I am down, the ones that challenge my thinking and the ones that make me laugh at myself.

6. Tell us one thing you learned

That is is far more difficult to get involved in volunteering than it should be.

7. Tell us one thing that made you laugh

Yesterday when a harrassed waitress asked Him Indoors what was on the menu after a customer on another table asked her. She was just like Julie Walters in Acorn Antiques and I could not switch off the giggles for about 20 minutes. OK, so you had to be there.

8. Tell us one thing that made you cry

Having to face up the fact that my brother hates me and my family. Better to know though.

9. Tell us three things your child or children did to make you feel proud.

Learning to read, improving handwriting standards, singing at Sheffield Arena.

10. Tell us one thing that made you proud of yourself.

Setting up the Grooving Mums Blog Hop and reaching out to others who want to get their va va voom back.

11. Tell us one challenge you overcame

Actually getting to grips with turning healthy eating into a lifestyle choice rather than short-term dieting.

12. Tell us three things you would like to change about your life in 2011

I would like to learn to drive.
I would like to make my own money.
I would like to get slimmer

and will!

Now over to special bloggers to see what they want to share about 2011, the year that was. They are a mix of people I have engaged with before and new folks too.
















23 thoughts on “What Are Your Highs and Lows From 2011?

  1. Im really looking forward to #groovingmums this year, yesterday i did a really simular post looking back on 2011 and i have started making progress towards making 2012 a good year . Look forward to meeting all the other grooving mums soon.
    Happy new year
    Catherine xx

  2. Ooh, trickier than it looks! I’ve made a start, hope to finish it tomorrow. You’ve had an eventful year, hope this year is plainer sailing (if that is what you wish for). More later. Polly x

  3. Hi Kate,

    I am going to be joining the Grooving Mums blog hop this year, have been chatting to Claire @ Mummy Plum about how inspirtational it is, so looking forward to getting started. I have just completed and published my Highs and Lows of 2011, if you get a moment to take a look!


  4. What a lovely idea to reassess the year that way. I always forget everything’s that happened as soon as the year’s finished, despite keeping a diary. I hope 2012 rocks and well as grooves for you and brings plenty of rum. Thanks for the tag.

  5. Hi Kate. Great list – great set of answers. I’m totally with you on the ‘making own money’ score. Last year was defined by me being dependent on my Other Half. I want to loosen the apron strings this year. Thanks for tagging me x

  6. Pingback: Tag: What Are Your Highs and Lows From 2011? | Chronicles of a Reluctant Housedad

  7. Pingback: Meme: My 2011 highs and lows | Mother.Wife.Me

  8. Hi Kate, I was tagged by Reluctant Housedad, Mother Wife Me and My life my son my way! I would love to know your secret on number 11!

  9. Pingback: Highs and lows from 2011 « minibreak mummy

  10. Hello! I was tagged by the lovely @The_Last_Slayer on her A Hell of a Woman blog and finally got round to answering your questions. My post is scheduled for Monday morning http://wp.me/p1Mski-9O
    It was harder than expected remembering all that happened last year. It all seems like such a long time aog now and I think we are still in the foggy early stages of sleep-deprivation with our youngest 😀

  11. Pingback: 2011, the year that was… | Musings from a mum

  12. Pingback: 2011 Highs and Lows

  13. Pingback: 2011 Highs and Lows - HerPretty

  14. Pingback: What Are Your Highs and Lows From 2011? | Inking It.

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