Give Me Sunshine!

Adventures of a Middle-Aged Matron who is one of my very favourite bloggers or at least one I emapthise with on quite a lot of topics has sent a little February Sunshine Award my way.

I have to answer the following probing questions. Hopefully the revelations therein will bring sunshine into your chill, dank February.

Favourite colour: Purple. Used in my wedding invitations and so on because both myself and Him Indoors like it. I also like orange a lot and used to have a bright orange shirt when I was about 17 and I still miss it.

Favourite animal: I love my Labrador dogs although they can be stressful. So maybe my cat Max who causes me no hassle whatsoever. I also love watching seals and penguins.

Favourite non-alcoholic drink: Coke because you can put it with rum. Fresh orange juice on a good day.

Facebook or Twitter: Twitter. I love it most when people are creative with it. It is fabulous that people can access gossip, support or whatever they need 24 hours a day and get that sense of connection. I have never quite “got” Facebook with all those daft games that are supposed to give meaning to life in some way. I also don’t like that whole language about “friends” when often they aren’t.

Favourite number: 11 is one of them and the other is top secret.

Favourite day of the week: I don’t think I have one. Whatever day I can get out and live a life will do me.

Getting or giving presents: Rather than the actual giving, I love the listening to a person, working out what they would love and then making it happen. Orirent Express trip for my parents and Grand Prix tickets for Him Indoors are two that stand out. I like getting presents too particularly from my eldest son who chooses really well.

Favourite pattern – Anything atmospheric, vibrant and swirly. Oh and my bedroom wallpaper as it is quite boudoir looking.

Favourite flower: Carnations as the first type of flowers a man bought me. Yes, once upon a time, someone actually did.

Now I have to pass this on to some other bloggers so who will it be on this one?

That will do for now as I have other tag things to complete. Tags are a bit like buses, you don’t see one for ages and then they all come along at once.

Hoping your day is full of sunny things.

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