How To Be A Groovy Mum – The #BritMumsLive Edition

I said last week that Groovy Mums would have a new future and that I too would launch  myself into a new way of being post #BritMums Live.

Over the last couple of days, I have shared my worst and best bits of the weekend.

Today I am sharing some of my learnings that I think will help mums who want to move forward in their lives in ways large and small.

1. So many folks are now revealing how daunting they found going to such a big event and how they felt shy and nervous.  It is so easy when struggling to think we are alone with these thoughts and feelings. 

Challenge – Look a little harder for those who are struggling and reach out to them.  Don’t always focus on your own fears.

2. “There is nothing cool about a bully with a blackberry” – Sarah Brown

Challenge – Ask yourself whether you are sometimes guilty of bullying or making someone’s life harder than it needs to be.

3. “Don’t let the way the world treats you affect how you want to treat the world” – Sarah Brown

Challenge – What can we do to help each other be true to ourselves whatever the world throws at us?

Yes, I am going on about Sarah Brown a lot because she spoke so much sense.  She clearly understands that when you are a mum, it can be quite a closed world and just how challenging that can be.    She explained that she has not always found things easy and her struggles to become comfy with public speaking.

4. If aiming to change, do remember to break things down into parts so it all seems a lot less scary.  I attended the E-book publishing workshop with Antonia Chitty.  As someone who wants to write books, I loved hearing how a 90,000 word novel can be broken down into daily or weekly targets that are actually really do-able.   I think that can apply to so many of our hopes and dreams.

5. If finding change daunting, find a buddy to help you with the journey. 

Challenge – Who will be your buddy?  Can you proactively offer to be a buddy to somebody else?

6. Ruby Wax told us about the mind being the mothership so we do need to look after our mental health.

Challenge – what strategies can we put in place to give our mental health its best chance?

These are the learnings that I think will be most helpful to mums who want to change their lives for the better perhaps rediscovering or reinventing themselves along the way.

If you were at BritMums Live, other things probably spoke to you and I would love to hear what bits did.

If you were not at BritMums Live, I hope I have shared a little of the joy of the event.

Here is what Groovy Mums is all about and I hope you join in sometimes.

If you would like to write a guest post on how you are getting your groove back or how you can advise others to do so, I would love to hear from you.

If you decide to write about your journey to being a Groovy Mum or to respond to any of the challenges, you can link up here.

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8 thoughts on “How To Be A Groovy Mum – The #BritMumsLive Edition

  1. I linked up a post I did previously on getting my groove back. I agree, BritmumsLive helped me get my blogging groove back to, I loved the sod the stats session and the blogging for the greater good – both reminded me why I write and why I enjoy writing. Lovely to meet you last week x

  2. I know I said that I would join in tonight but I was in the office till 10 p.m. (13 hour shift) and have only just got home, so I am not in the right frame of mind.
    Sorry sweetheart.
    Will join in though, in coming days.
    Liska x

  3. I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you at BritMums Live, as I would have liked to. I too loved Sarah Brown’s speech, and that quote of not letting the way the world treats you change the way you treat the world was so well put.

  4. Pingback: How Blogging Helped One Mum Get Her Groove Back | Kate on Thin Ice And Groovy Mums

  5. Pingback: How I Am Getting My Groove Back | Kate on Thin Ice And Groovy Mums

  6. Pingback: What Is The Best Thing To Inspire Mums? | Kate on Thin Ice And Groovy Mums

  7. Pingback: Are You Up For A Challenge? Am I? | Kate on Thin Ice And Groovy Mums

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